Policy Change – WIMs on Computers

The Bench team is no longer placing the entire WIM on the user’s computer. The reasons for this are as follows:

  • Space – WIM files get excessively huge and take up a considerable amount of hard drive space.
  • SCEP – SCEP has issues and will commonly break/fail/time out when it tries to scan the WIM file.
  • Time – We can save an incredible amount of time by not copying the file over.
  • Access – With our new DISM based capture process, a user needs the beta version of 7z to access the WIM. Since this is not a standard application on the machine, having a WIM on a computer that can’t access it makes no sense.

So what will be in CN Backup?

  • User Profile(s) associated with whom the machine is for.
  • Non-standard folders located on the root of C:\
  • Data Warehouse files when they are identified.

What happens if a computer is placed and there are additional files that are needed?

  • Call the Bench and have them place the file(s) in a location to transfer them to the user.

As a final reminder, we keep all backups for 30 days after the ticket is closed out. Once a month, on average, I go through or stored backups and clean them up.

If for some reason a backup needs to be held onto for an extended period of time, please let a Bench time member know this so that they can tag the backup as “Keep”.  All backups marked this way are then held onto for 9 months, at which time they are reviewed to determine if they need to be kept longer.

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